Wednesday, May 6, 2020
Example Of Macduff In Macbeth - 755 Words
In the play Macbeth the protagonist takes all the spotlight and leaves Macduff in the dark. If someone was to pay close attention they could see how big of a hero Macduff was. Macduff Thane of Fife played a really important part in the story, he was the first one to question King Duncan’s death and the one who slays the tyrant king Macbeth. Macduff is shown as a very righteous man who held strong morals and was very loyal to his country, king, and family. He has a good purpose, unlike Macbeth and wanted the best for his country, he sacrifices his family for the greater good. He plays a big part in helping Malcolm get to his rightful place. In ‘Macbeth’, William Shakespeare uses Macduff as an example to show how taking responsibility can†¦show more content†¦Everything Macduff does shows his loyalty towards Scotland and its Kings. The biggest thing was Macduff going to England to get Malcolm to come back and claim his throne. Where someone less worthy is s itting and destroying Scotland. When Duncan was the King the country was very prosperous and they were winning wars. In Macbeth’s rule, many people were dying and there was a lot of poverty and he was killing his opposition. Like Banquo who was supposed to be the father of Kings but Macbeth gets him killed to secure kingship. Macduff does leave his family behind in Scotland which is slaughtered by Macbeth. He gets Macduffs wife and children killed in his leave, to get rid of potential threats to his throne. Macduff puts his country before his family, to help with the greater cause. This shows his loyalty and devotion toward Scotland. When he meets Malcolm, Macduff gets tested for his loyalty. Where Malcolm says he is very greedy and would be a terrible king. Hearing Malcolm says things like that Macduff cries for Scotland, after him doing that Malcolm trusts Macduff. They both join forces and get assistance from Siward and King Edward, to fight against the tyrant. Macduff sho ws his loyalty to Malcolm and his care for Scotland and its subjects. They both prepare to take back the throne to save their country. The actions of Macduff prove his loyalty and responsibility towards Scotland, making him a true hero. Who loves his country and is dedicated to it noShow MoreRelated Lady Macduff of Macbeth Essay example1952 Words  | 8 PagesLady Macduff of Macbeth     In reading Shakespeares tragic drama Macbeth, one meets only one good woman - Lady Macduff. The remaining female characters are basically evil. 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