Wednesday, May 6, 2020
Essay Woodrow Wilson and The Treaty of Versailles - 815 Words
Woodrow Wilson and The Treaty of Versailles Woodrow Wilson, Premier Clemenceau, Prime Minister Lloyd George and Premier Orlando started the Versailles Treaty committee. Wilson worked to win the Senates consent of the Treaty of Versailles when he returned to America in July of 1919. Basically the treaty forced on Germany the burden of reparations, and to take complete blame for the war. Woodrow Wilson felt that the treaty was too harsh, placing unrealistic goals on Germany. Wilson wanted to add his Fourteen Points, which was a less harsh approach to punish Germany. Unfortunately not all the points were added to the Treaty of Versailles, but some points were introduced into the treaty. The Treaty that President Wilson agreed on did†¦show more content†¦In the political cartoon, Document E, the artist is portraying Woodrow Wilson and foreign entanglements getting married. Objecting to the marriage is the United States Senate, holding a paper of their constitutional rights. The Senate largely opposed the League Covenant --Article 10-, the League of Covenant required member nations to attempt to solve disputes peacefully. If that attempt fails, the nations were to observe a waiting period before going to war. This Article took away Senates constitutional power to declare war. They were upset about this; they wanted their constitutional rights protected. Document H strongly urges The League of Nations, yet it criticizes both the Republicans who got involved and Woodrow Wilson. W.E.B. De Bois criticizes Wilson, saying that if he werent so stubborn and idiotic then the League of Nations would have worked. Since Wilson wasnt willing to compromise with the Republicans, the United States must suffer by not joining in at the assembly of the League of Nations, which is the most forward-looking event of the century according to De Bois. These three documents all criticize Wilson in one-way or another. 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