Monday, May 25, 2020

In the current time people can’t imagine their life...

In the current time people can’t imagine their life without technology. Surrounding us are various technologies, and which are helping people live their life with more luxury. On daily bases different technologies are at use. An example of daily use of technology is the average person waking up to an electronic alarm clock, the next thing they do is turn on the TV to watch the daily news; we also go to work and use our computers to plan out projects. Technology makes people’s lives more enjoyable and easier, and it’s also a way for families to interact from long distances. My family and I are constantly using programs like Skype to communicate with our family back in Ukraine, Skype is similar to visual broadcasting. However, we also tend†¦show more content†¦Online education is not only popular in college and universities, but it has also become popular in high school and even elementary. Since students have different paces its easier for them than to ha ve a teacher go in the same pace for everyone. If that’s the case then the student will most likely fall behind in their classes might even repeat a grade. With online schooling there are personal tutor’s and teacher’s available to help with any subject. Having a personal help a lot there’s more of a chance that the student will become successful in college. I could relate to the students who do online education. During my senior year in high school I took online classes, I find it easier to do online classes. I like the fact of working at home and having easy access to school work wherever I might be and not doing more work in the classroom. Online student won’t find themselves doing busy work like in regular school there is. Technology dominates most of the professions people go into today. One type of profession that is using technology constantly is photographers, they are constantly using cameras to take pictures and record videos. Since tech nology is constantly advancing and so many different options are open to people. An example would be in a camera many settings available to make picture-taking or video recording easier, and people can take videos or pictures in 3D. There are also new ways to develop photos and they areShow MoreRelatedTechnology And Technology907 Words   |  4 PagesOther Name With the advancements of technology, what past generations have defined as traditionally being ‘intelligent’ is outdated in today’s age and Millennials have found new ways to be just as capable as the old generation. Elevating learning in a way that was once unimaginable in the past, technology is forging a path to open a brighter future built on achieving knowledge by technology and Millennials are taking wide strides across that path. Has technology truly been nothing, but a detrimentRead MoreEssay On Technology And Technology779 Words   |  4 PagesDoes Technology Actually Make Us Feel More Alone? When I think about the question of technology and the ability it has to make us feel â€Å"alone†, I think about myself, my family and my friends. As a millennial, I have grown up in such a technologically advanced world that it is becoming more and more of a second nature that children at young ages of 10 and 12 are receiving their first cellphone. While time progresses and the need for technology rises, our society as a whole is slowly startingRead MoreTechnology And Conversation : Technology971 Words   |  4 PagesRyan Fletcher 09/21/2015 Essay 1 Technology and conversation It is amazing how everyone’s life is changing by through us of technology. â€Å"Technology by definition means, the branch of knowledge that deals with the creation and use of technical means and their interrelation with life, society, and the environment, drawing upon such subjects as industrial arts, engineering, applied science, and pure science†(Technology). Today people use different kinds of technology like: cellphones, iPods, laptopsRead MoreTechnology And Modern Technology1392 Words   |  6 PagesWhen I see children as little as two using technology, I get worried. My niece Savanna loves having touch screens in her little hands, but it makes me wonder if her childhood could be wasted on the constantly developing technology of today. 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These new technological advances have greatly improved the way I canRead MoreTechnology And Its Effect On Technology957 Words   |  4 PagesAre we becoming way too dependent on technology and allowing it to take over our lives? The majority of people own at least one or more of these devices: a computer, laptop, tablet, or a cell phone. So man y people seem unable to function through their daily routine without having access to some form of technology device. I’m willing to bet that you have at least two of these devices in your home, too. Now, stop and think about how often we use technology devices throughout the day. As a result ofRead MoreEssay On Technology And Technology747 Words   |  3 PagesFull Title: Technology Appropriation Studies have shown that technology can help young children learn. The use of technology has become a part of most curriculums and when used appropriate it can be effective. 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Every day, I do homework, write blogs, send and receive emails, take photos, know about the latest news, and chat with friends with the aid of technologies. My attitude toward technology is complex. I am obsessed with technology which makes

Tuesday, May 19, 2020

Strategic Analysis Tools In Applied Research Technologies Business Essay - Free Essay Example

Sample details Pages: 9 Words: 2696 Downloads: 5 Date added: 2017/06/26 Category Business Essay Type Analytical essay Did you like this example? Introduction: In this assignment would try to focus on a company named Applied Research Technologies which has many divisions like healthcare, industrial automation, energy conversion, transportation solutions for oil and gas industry and preparation of water filtration equipment and HAVC (heating Ventilation and Air Conditioning, including climate control solutions for residential, commercial and industrial markets. With Mr.David Hall as its CEO of ARTs and Mr Peter Vyaswas appointed as the manager of filtration Unit. ART was one of the technology worlds emerging giants. Don’t waste time! Our writers will create an original "Strategic Analysis Tools In Applied Research Technologies Business Essay" essay for you Create order In this essay we try to emphasis on and analysis on various industrial tools like Porters Five Force analysis, PESTEL analysis and also on strategic management tools of the organization. Vision Statement of ARTs: We aim to change the world through innovation, and to grow our place in it through entrepreneurship. Harvard Business School, (2010) Strategic Management: In order to create and sustain in competitive market the organization undertakes decisions, actions and analysis the situation to gain competitive advantage in the industry. This definition captures two main elements that go to the heart of the field of strategic management. First, the strategic management of an organization involves three on going processes which are as follows: analysis, decisions, and actions. That is, strategic management is concerned with the analysis of strategic goals like vision, mission and strategic objective of the company, which also includes the internal and external environment of the organization. Michael Porter says that sustainability cannot be achieved through operational effectiveness alone. Dess, Gregory , Lumpkin and Taylor, (2005.) Strategic Positioning: The strategic positioning of an organization includes the developing of the desired future position of the organization on the basis of present and likely developments, and the making of plans to realize that positioning. In the ARTs company dedicated on supporting new ideas, but also in funding various research development projects. Sharing of knowledge and dissemination was another key factor which positioned the company into the market. The companys biggest strength was in its core product and technology which they used.It had the objective of to attract the best and brightest wherever they live. Harvard Business School. (2010, pp.61) Strategic Decisions: As the organization functions the entire resources and the results are disturbed with the whole of environment. Important strategic decisions are major resource ideas for a company. Strategic decisions are tough in nature and very complex to deal within organization. The decisions are the long-term decisions and are concerned with future planning. They also related to overall counter development of all organization and also strive through growth. Management Study Guide (1998-2000) In ARTs the strategic choices were the most vital for company. Vyas was accountable for the major decisions involved in the water filtration unit. Vyas took active interest in developing the unit. As, he was appointed as the manager as for the filtration unit in 2001 his first decision was to rebuilt the team by carefully selecting entrepreneurial-minded individuals to fill the vacancies left by turnover in the unit. One of the major recruitment was Janice Wagner, whom he knew from her five year as a marketing manager in the HVAC division. Strategic Implementation: Organization successes at strategy operation effectively manage three key support factors: Action planning: Companies success at implementing strategy established detailed action plans and assigning duty to specific individual for doing each of those action steps. Thus breaking down their big strategy statement in to small targets Birnbaum (2000-2009). The main objective for the manager Mr.Vyas to look in to the detail planning of the organization and his job involved was to assign different task to each department and also recruiting new people in the organization. Organizational Structure: The organizational structure is depended on the current structure whether the proposed strategy fits in the current situation and whether the current trend is suitable for the business. ARTs also focused on its business strategy as its current position and structure formation was depended on the management. The Annual Business: To fund all the projected strategies companies are aware of their needs. They need to consider about the important financial commitment in the planning method. They have their own forecasting plans and strategic to deal with annual business. ARTs company did have their own plans for their particular units assigned to the managers to carry out the day-to-day activities. The company had many financial decisions to be made, on part of their business strategy. Strategic Analysis of ARTs: Here we would try to study the various strategies which would benefit the industry to reach their goals and could get success to their planning of strategies. Here we would also be discussing the various tools which can be used to review the companys performance. Porters Five Forces: Porters five forces model helps regaining where the power lies in a business. Porters model can be used as one of the industrial tool to analysis the company structure. Porters ModelÂÂ  is an important part of anticipating tool set by the industry, by using a outline rather than a formal statistical model. Porters model of competitive forcesÂÂ  accepts that there areÂÂ  five competitive forcesÂÂ  that identify the competitive power in a business situation. (Source: Chapman, (2005). Porters Five Forces Model) New substitute: The threat to the organization can be due to the customers moving to other competitors. There may be many substitutes available in the market and thus customer can certainly find the product or service that offers that same service for lesser price. Substitutes are a major threat to the company, as it creates competition in the market. In the ARTs company as a company there is always the threat in the market which could arise due to various substitutes available in the market. There are various other companies which offer a similar kind of product and at a cheaper price. The biggest implication for the company would be that it would directly affect its product launch due to intense competition in market and various products competing with each other. New Entrances: The entrance in the market also declines the power of the organization. Threat of new entry depends upon on the entry and exit barriers. There may be many reasons for it like economies of scale are not high, customer switching to other products, thus it is always viable to keep the entry barriers high so that the market maintains its standard on the level of players in the market and so there could me more profit even when the market is not good. As, you can see in the case study there is also huge investments made ARTs company to develop its new product. It is very difficult for the competitors to break into the industry as there are already much well established players in the market which are already well known in the market and they also have a maintained a very good relation with buyers and sellers. As, the ARTs has always maintained a good relation with its buyers and suppliers its very becomes difficult for any competitors to entre to this industry. Power of suppliers: Power of suppliers means, how control the suppliers have to drive down their products. When suppliers have more hold over supplies and its prices that segment is less attractive. This could also happen in any organization where suppliers have an upper hand. As, the switching cost is very high from one supplier to another supplier its very difficult for any supplier of the ARTs to switch to any other supplier. Its only possible in the ARTs company when suppliers ar directly competing with their buyers and if they do not get a proper price for their product and they margins what they require. Power of Buyers: Buyer power is always said to be remain high as in the condition where the suppliers are like a very small operators and the buyers have a upper hand. As, in the ARTs company the ultimate buyers are the consumer of their products or their distributers. The implication for the ARTs is that the company is going to launch its new product, so the buyers could demand for margin and could also create competition for ARTs suppliers. This could be due to if ARTs not supplying the right product or satisfactory price to its buyers and it could end up the buyers producing their own products hence creating competition for ARTs before launch of their product. One of another tool which used by all the industry to start up a new business is the PESTEL analysis which also emphases on the industrial factors: PESTEL ANALYSIS: Pestle analysis is strategic planning method that offers a valuable outline for evaluating the environmental pressure on team or on the group. Rogers, J (1999), M Edmonstone, J (1999) The following are the main factors in PESTEL analysis: E- Economic The local, national and world economic influence. As you can see there was huge potential for the company to grow organically. In April 2006, according to palmer drought index 26% of united states was considered in moderate to extreme drought conditions and there was a major scarcity situation. They had a huge market in the U.S for residential water purification. As, the US market is a saturated market the ARTs company needs to focus on the other growing market. As, the company faces financial difficulties in producing the goods and also the economic scenario of the market due to recession and shortage of money supply in the company for the product manufacturing the company may face a great difficulty in introducing its product in the market. S- Socialogical The ways in which changes in the society affect the project. There are some sociological factors which also disturb the organization like the demographical factor in countries like India or the income distribution of the country which could affect the penetration of the organization due high price or market condition. T- Technological How new and developing technology affects the organization. Technology was the key factors of the ARTs as an organization which drive the company. The company spend more on its technological units due to its core focus of the product depended on the success of its technology. Like new discoveries and development in the technology of the unit and the speed of the technology to develop a product also are the key drivers for the companys goals. L- Legal How local issues like legal matters and laws affects any organization or industry. This can be through the management laws towards its employees and could be used, towards the safety of the employees and the product safety, could be the issue which company could have faced while developing the product. E- Environment This could be in form of global and national environmental issues. As the whole concept to develop the product was to provide a solution to provide a safer and clean drinking water to the society by providing a technology which could help the environment and provide more comprehensive household water. ARTs may also face legal hurdles like the energy consumption to produce their technology for their product, also the waste disposable form the industry which contaminates the water and the government laws to protect the environment. Rapidbi, (2007) says that there are various factors that could affect the organization. One has to look beyond all the factors for a successful running of the organisation. Renewal Associates,(2003). There are always key drivers for change in the company. For ARTs the key drivers for change are the economical factors and other one is the technological factors which are driving the company. As, the economy is growing the ARTs as an company is trying to grow through various acquisition which it had done in past and has kept the its pace of growth study by providing sound and fundamental company. Technology is the key driver of change in the company as, the company is fully depended on its technology which it has adapted from time to time and has always adapted the new technology with the growing demand. Key Drivers for Change: The different scenario for the company is to grow globally like going internationally and taping international consumers. Increasing global competition which will encourage further globalisation. For ARTs the key drivers like their technology which could help the company to grow globally by providing good products to its international customers or following their strategy by acquiring new companies or their competitors. But the company should remember that every, change comes with the cost and hampers companies profitability, ARTs needs to focus on its key driver and also maintain the cost. Strategic Groups: Strategic groups are the organization within an industry or sector with similar strategic features, similar strategies or competing on similar bases. It helps to know who the competitors of the given company are and also emphases on the basis of competitive conflict within each strategic group is different from another group. It also relates to finding threats and opportunity to the organization. In the case study we have seen that the team identified the potential market and the competitors which affected business. Johnson, Scholes and Whittington, (2008). Key Success factors: They key success factors for ARTs unit from my point of view was their management skills which their manager Peter Vyas exhibited on all the stages of the decision making. The companys has also succeeded through various merger and acquisition of number of technology based companies. As, per the PESTLE analysis ARTs had a very favourable environment which provided a huge potential market for the company. Studying the POTERs Five Forces we can analysis that ARTs as an organization had a very promising future due to its external environment and its prospects for the growth which company aimed for. Key Drivers for the ARTs as an industry: The PESTEL factors is the most important to identify a number of key drivers of change, which are forces likely to affect the structure of an industry, sector or market. Its important for any organization to identify the key drivers across levels. As it could not be the same factors which could impact the companys success, but there could be different factors like macro-environment factors or technological factors which could be the key drivers for the company. The key drivers can be identified and understood. They vary by industry or sector and it also depended on organization how they identify each driver. Johnson, Scholes and Whittington (2008, pp.69-71). In the above organization the key drivers could be a). Technological factors, b). Environmental factors, For ARTs above mentioned factors were the key drivers which pulled the organization towards their vision. Conclusion: The importance of strategic planning in any organization used with in this assignment and various tools adopted by the organization for their growth. Opportunities are only possible by looking across strategic groups particularly in the macro-environment and the concepts and framework used in this company should help in understanding the factors in the macro industry and competitor or market environments of an organisation. However the implications drawn from this understanding in strategic decisions and strategic management are the key success drivers of any organizations. Identification of threat and opportunities can be extremely valuable when doing strategic analysis and thinking about the strategic choices in the future .As the key drivers for the company was their technology and marketing skills, but they lacked in financial decision making. Recommendations: For the ARTs its always viable to look at the external factors around the industry and management needs to build a trust in their employees. The organization needs to rethink on the part of its business strategies as well as financial strategies before launching their products. The company needs to identify their key drivers using these industrial tools to have a success of their launch, so that they do not fail again and maintain their key position in the market. The company can work on various other strategies like financial decisions on the part of their launch and also can implement various new strategies to get the product launched successfully. It has huge potential and could have a very big market to focus on and should work on each and every resource which is provided to them whatever the market environment existed

Friday, May 15, 2020

The United States Army Aviation Operations - 1896 Words

Although Army Aviation has endured a multitude of challenging moments throughout history, none have compared to those faced in the land that has historically dared and tried many great nations such as the Macedonian Army around 330 B.C. and the Russian Army in the 1970’s and 1980’s. Because of this, this paper will be an informative look at the challenges the United States Army Aviation Operations faced during Operation Enduring freedom in Afghanistan from 2001 to 2014. Included in the research, I will discuss the unforgiving terrain, such as a high mountain environment Aviators operated in, the extreme temperatures, degraded visual cues, the human errors aspect, as well the enemy situation, all which tested them all. Aviation Operations in Operation Enduring Freedom A Sense of Reality To illustrate my point, imagine your mission is to conduct a night air assault (AA) into a rocky mountain top landing zone (HLZ) that is perched high upon the Hindu Kush. In addition to the confinement and high altitude of the HLZ, your aircraft is loaded to its maximum capacity; with a crew of four plus 12 fully loaded combat troops. Furthermore, the moon illumination is steadily decreasing, and by H-hour the backdrop has crossed into a dark sea of incomprehensible pictures. At this point, you have just check marked the four death inducing factors of flying in Afghanistan: high, hot, heavy, and dark. After several failed attempts to land at your LZ, it becomes clear that the environmentShow MoreRelatedThe Restructuring and Enhancing of the United States Army Essay844 Words   |  4 Pages During the overall restructuring of the United States Army current active Army units began to transform into modular organizations to enhance the capability to perform its mission by making them a quickly deployable, flexible and lethal unit than had been previously structured. 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Wednesday, May 6, 2020

Essay Woodrow Wilson and The Treaty of Versailles - 815 Words

Woodrow Wilson and The Treaty of Versailles Woodrow Wilson, Premier Clemenceau, Prime Minister Lloyd George and Premier Orlando started the Versailles Treaty committee. Wilson worked to win the Senates consent of the Treaty of Versailles when he returned to America in July of 1919. Basically the treaty forced on Germany the burden of reparations, and to take complete blame for the war. Woodrow Wilson felt that the treaty was too harsh, placing unrealistic goals on Germany. Wilson wanted to add his Fourteen Points, which was a less harsh approach to punish Germany. Unfortunately not all the points were added to the Treaty of Versailles, but some points were introduced into the treaty. The Treaty that President Wilson agreed on did†¦show more content†¦In the political cartoon, Document E, the artist is portraying Woodrow Wilson and foreign entanglements getting married. Objecting to the marriage is the United States Senate, holding a paper of their constitutional rights. The Senate largely opposed the League Covenant --Article 10-, the League of Covenant required member nations to attempt to solve disputes peacefully. If that attempt fails, the nations were to observe a waiting period before going to war. This Article took away Senates constitutional power to declare war. They were upset about this; they wanted their constitutional rights protected. Document H strongly urges The League of Nations, yet it criticizes both the Republicans who got involved and Woodrow Wilson. W.E.B. De Bois criticizes Wilson, saying that if he werent so stubborn and idiotic then the League of Nations would have worked. Since Wilson wasnt willing to compromise with the Republicans, the United States must suffer by not joining in at the assembly of the League of Nations, which is the most forward-looking event of the century according to De Bois. These three documents all criticize Wilson in one-way or another. They blame the unsuccessfulShow MoreRelatedWoodrow Wilson s Treaty Of Versailles1562 Words   |  7 Pagesw ar I, Woodrow Wilson’s ‘Treaty of Versailles’ stated that Germany would be held accountable for ‘the Great war’, meaning not only was Germany forced to pay reparations for war debt, but, under the treaty, Germany was restricted to many limitations. Wilson’s treaty consisted of fourteen major guidelines stating Germany must retreat from all land annexed that were not Germanic states, and Germany was prohibited to form a mobile army, air force, or Kriegsmarine. Despite the ‘Treaty of Versailles of 1919’Read MoreThe Treaty Of Versailles, By Georges Clemenceau, And Woodrow Wilson1098 Words   |  5 Pagesobliterated, including Jehovah’s Witnesses, the Gypsies/Romas, mentally ill, physically disabled, and homosexuals. The Treaty of Versailles, Weimar Republic, and Hitler’s rise to power all contributed to the causes of the Holocaust. David Lloyd George, Georges Clemenceau, and Woodrow Wilson’s negotiations and arguments on how to control Germany created what is now known as the Treaty of Versailles. It was a peace settlement with many conditions. The limit to Germany’s army was to be 100,000 men of all ranksRead MoreThe Treaty of Versailles Was the Most Pleasing to Woodrow Wilson or George Clemenceau?1595 Words   |  7 PagesThe Treaty of Versailles Was the Most Pleasing to Woodrow Wilson or George Clemenceau? After the First World War a treaty had to be made to punish Germany for their actions. This had to be done as Germany had lost the war and had signed the Armistice on the 11th November 1918. The German peoples were hungry, war weary and demanded peace. The Paris peace conferences job was to write the Treaty of Versailles. Britain, America and France all had representatives at this meeting;Read MoreThe United States Vs. The Treaty Of Versailles960 Words   |  4 Pages â€Å"The United States vs. the Treaty of Versailles† The Treaty of Versailles was a peace settlement between Germany and the Allied Powers signed on June 28, 1919. The Treaty of Versailles officially ended World War 1. However, since the conditions in the treaty were so punitive towards Germany many believe that it was also partly responsible for starting World War 2. Before the treaty was signed President Woodrow Wilson and his opponent in congress, Senator Henry Cabot Lodge debated over the membershipRead More Woodrow Wilson and World War I Essay983 Words   |  4 Pages What role did Woodrow Wilson have in World War I? Woodrow Wilson, our 23rd president, became involved in a war that he did not want any part of. Wilson wanted to remain neutral and have peace as in his first term of office. During World War I Wilson’s roles in the war became well known in all countries. Wilson wanted peace more than anything else. In seeking for peace Wilson asked Congress for the U.S. to enter World War I. which may not sound like a peace strategy but Wilson felt it was the onlyRead MoreThe End Of The War819 Words   |  4 Pagesof this, one of the most important and grueling treaty with Germany was signed. After war soon came bargaining of a treaty meant to end all wars. The bargaining started early 1919’s and was completed in April. The treaty of Versailles was divided into 15 sections including the covenant League of Nations being one of the most important and controversial sections of the treaty. Approximately a month after bargaining was over the Treaty of Versailles was presented to Germany for â€Å"consideration†. Read MoreThe End Of The War1052 Words   |  5 Pagesmost important treaties of the 20th. Century would lead to WWII and contribute to the Cold War. History has shown that the words of French General, Ferdinand Foch, This is not a peace. It is an armistice for twenty years,† rang true. The armistice was signed November 11, 1918 at 11 p.m. Soon after the armistice came the bargaining of a treaty meant to end all wars (The Treaty of Versailles). The bargaining started in early 1919 and was completed in late April. The Treaty of Versailles was dividedRead MoreThe War Of The World War I1279 Words   |  6 PagesOn June 28th, 2015 the peace treaty that finished World War I was agreed upon by Germany and the Allies at the Palace of Versailles in Paris. The main three Allies showed their interest: British Prime Minister David Lloyd George, French Premier George Clemenceau and US President Woodrow Wilson. The Great War had crushed Europe. Limitless territories of north-western Europe were diminished to almost nothing; French and Belgian towns and towns had vanished from the map without any trace of existenceRead MoreThe Treaty of Versailles1684 Words   |  7 PagesInvestigation The Treaty of Versailles was created to bring peace between nations after WWI. This investigation will answer the following question: To what extent did the Treaty of Versailles bring peace? In this investigation, the extent of the Versailles Treaty’s success will be evaluated by examining the period of its development, 1918, to the rise of Hitler, 1933. Several sources were used in this investigation including a number of books that look at the terms of the Treaty of Versailles and the reactionsRead MoreWoodrow Wilson s Accomplishments And Failures1691 Words   |  7 Pagessuccesses and failures of the 28th president of the United States, Woodrow Wilson, it is essential to define the image he portrayed to the American population during his presidency. Many Americans and historians will claim he was a man of impartiality and the one who led America into WWI. He had a very solid influence on Congress for the many domestic and foreign affair policies he endorsed. The goal is t o illustrate how President Woodrow Wilson ran his presidency in the eyes of the American citizens. This

Example Of Macduff In Macbeth - 755 Words

In the play Macbeth the protagonist takes all the spotlight and leaves Macduff in the dark. If someone was to pay close attention they could see how big of a hero Macduff was. Macduff Thane of Fife played a really important part in the story, he was the first one to question King Duncan’s death and the one who slays the tyrant king Macbeth. Macduff is shown as a very righteous man who held strong morals and was very loyal to his country, king, and family. He has a good purpose, unlike Macbeth and wanted the best for his country, he sacrifices his family for the greater good. He plays a big part in helping Malcolm get to his rightful place. In ‘Macbeth’, William Shakespeare uses Macduff as an example to show how taking responsibility can†¦show more content†¦Everything Macduff does shows his loyalty towards Scotland and its Kings. The biggest thing was Macduff going to England to get Malcolm to come back and claim his throne. Where someone less worthy is s itting and destroying Scotland. When Duncan was the King the country was very prosperous and they were winning wars. In Macbeth’s rule, many people were dying and there was a lot of poverty and he was killing his opposition. Like Banquo who was supposed to be the father of Kings but Macbeth gets him killed to secure kingship. Macduff does leave his family behind in Scotland which is slaughtered by Macbeth. He gets Macduffs wife and children killed in his leave, to get rid of potential threats to his throne. Macduff puts his country before his family, to help with the greater cause. This shows his loyalty and devotion toward Scotland. When he meets Malcolm, Macduff gets tested for his loyalty. Where Malcolm says he is very greedy and would be a terrible king. Hearing Malcolm says things like that Macduff cries for Scotland, after him doing that Malcolm trusts Macduff. They both join forces and get assistance from Siward and King Edward, to fight against the tyrant. Macduff sho ws his loyalty to Malcolm and his care for Scotland and its subjects. They both prepare to take back the throne to save their country. The actions of Macduff prove his loyalty and responsibility towards Scotland, making him a true hero. Who loves his country and is dedicated to it noShow MoreRelated Lady Macduff of Macbeth Essay example1952 Words   |  8 PagesLady Macduff of Macbeth      Ã‚  Ã‚   In reading Shakespeares tragic drama Macbeth, one meets only one good woman - Lady Macduff. The remaining female characters are basically evil. 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Macbeth, considered to be one of his finer productions, is no exception. In this tragic tale we find our main character so trapped in his own guilt and self pity that he ends up secluding himself from everyone around him, going insane, and eventually getting murdered. Macbeth has gone down in history as a very infamous character in literature, but he isn’t the only one that makes t he story worth reading. For example, we have Banquo; vastly considered Macbeth’sRead MoreEssay on Imagery of Blood in William Shakespeares Play Macbeth1080 Words   |  5 PagesImagery of Blood in William Shakespeares Play Macbeth In the play Macbeth , William Shakespeare uses blood as a symbol throughout the whole story to show the different emotions and themes within the context of the play. It’s a bit ironic for someone whose name means â€Å"the son of life† that he has to take so many lives instead of being a father to the people he was trying to rule. 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Complex Formation and Precipitation free essay sample

Complex Formation and Precipitation. INTRODUCTION Precipitation is the formation of a solid in a solution as the result of either a chemical reaction, or supersaturating a solution with a salt resulting in solid material collecting on the bottom of the beaker (Housecroft amp; Constable, 2006). When the solution has been supersaturated by a compound and no more material can be supported by the solution, it considered as precipitate. Commonly, the solid will fall out of the solute phase and sinks to the bottom part of the solution. However, the solid may float on top of the solution or suspended within the solution if the precipitate is less than the aqueous solution. On the other hand, complex formation is the soluble compound that can increase the solubility of an insoluble salt form in aqueos solution (Housecroft amp; Constable, 2006). They are formed from a cation such as water or ammonia that has pair of electrons that become attracted to the positively charged cation. In terms of the solubility, the formation of a complex lowers the concentration of the cation in the solution. In this experiment, there are 3 parts need to be done which is complex formation, weak acids and bases and precipitation reaction. During complex formation experiment, student needs to observe the different reaction occur when adding ammonia or sodium hydroxide in small quantity and in excess. At the second part, student needs to measure the pH of different solution by using universal indicator paper and determine whether each solution is acidic, basic or neutral. Lastly, the precipitation reaction is observed by using phosphates, chlorides and silver halides groups. AIMS The main objective of this experiment was to identify certain inorganic reaction types and the differences in solubility of silver halides. Thus, a series of inorganic reactions was carried out as an introduction to complex formation and precipitation. All the reaction in this experiment involved alteration of equilibrium by changing concentration to make precipitation to form or dissolve. Other than that, weak acid and bases of the solution can be identified and students able to write the balanced equations for inorganic reactions. PRE-LAB QUESTIONS 1. Precipitation reaction is a type of reaction that forms a solid in a solution as a result of chemical reaction or supersaturating a solution. This reaction involves changing the soluble ions into insoluble compound and as a result precipitate is formed when the solution has been saturated by a compound (Heitz, 2005). 2. Inorganic complex consists of a central ion or atom (usually metallic) that is surrounded by anions or molecules bound to the central ion/metal via chemical bonds that range in strength from weak to strong (Heitz, 2005). 3. Trigonal planar, tetrahedral and octahedral. METHODS * PART A: COMPLEX FORMATION (AMMONIA COMPLEXES) . 0. 5 cm3 of dilute zinc nitrate, cupric nitrate and lead nitrate solutions was poured into 3 different test tubes. 2. 4 M of ammonia solution was added dropwise in each test tube until each solution turn alkaline (test with pH paper). 3. Ammonia solution was added more and observes if any precipitate dissolves. 4. The experiment was repeated by re placing the ammonia solution with 2 M of sodium hydroxide. * PART A: COMPLEX FORMATION (IODIDE COMPLEXES) 1. Saturated solution of potassium hydroxide was added dropwise to 0. 5 cm3 of 0. 1 M mercuric nitrate solution until the precipitate of HgI2 just dissolves by forming [HgI4]2-. . Saturated solution of potassium hydroxide was added dropwise to 5 drops of 0. 1 M lead nitrate solution until the precipitate of PbI2 just dissolves by forming [PbI4]2-. 3. The solution of [PbI4]2- was added to about 10 times its volume of distilled water in a medium test tube. 4. The amounts of I- required to dissolve the precipitates formed was compared between Hg (II) and Pb (II). * PART B: WEAK ACIDS AND BASES 1. The pH of distilled water, sodium chloride, aluminium sulphate, ammonium chloride, trisodium phosphate and sodium acetate was measured by using universal indicator paper. 2. Each solution was determined whether it is acidic, basic or neutral. 3. The main ions present in solution and acid-base equation for each solution was recorded. * PART C: PRECIPITATION REACTIONS (PHOSPHATES) 1. 1 cm3 of each of potassium chloride, manganous chloride, magnesium chloride, calcium chloride and cupric sulphate was placed into separate test tubes. 2. 1 cm3 of trisodium phosphate solution was added to each test tube and comment on the possible reasons for the formation of a precipitate. 3. A few drops of 1 M HCl were added to any precipitate formed, shake carefully and any observations were recorded. PART C: PRECIPITATION REACTIONS (CHLORIDES) 1. 1 cm3 of concentrated hydrochloric acid was added to 2 cm3 of saturated sodium chloride solution. 2. The precipitate was allowed to settle before the liquid was pouring off into the mixture and add water. * PART C: PRECIPITATION REACTIONS (SILVER HALIDES) 1. Place 10 drops of sodium chloride, sodium bromide and sodium iodide solut ion into three separate test-tubes. 2. 3 drops of silver nitrate solution was added to each test tube. Then, the precipitate was allowed to settle and pour off the liquid. 3. The solubility of any precipitates was tested in 4 M ammonia solution. . Steps 1 and 2 of this experiment were repeated. 5. The solubility of any precipitated was tested in concentrated ammonia solution (density 0. 880 g cm-3) RESULTS AND DISCUSSION * PART A: COMPLEX FORMATION (AMMONIA COMPLEXES) Table 1: Result of adding ammonia solution to form Ammonia Complex Reactants| Observation| Equation| Zinc nitrate and ammonia solution| * Turn red litmus paper into blue. * White precipitate was formed with cloudy solution. | Zn2+aq+2OH-aq-ZnOH2S| Zinc nitrate and ammonia solution (excess)| * Turn red litmus paper into blue. Clear solution is obtained with all precipitate dissolved in excess ammonia. | Zn(OH)2(S)+4HN3 Zn(NH3)4(aq)2++2OH-aq| Cuprix nitrate and ammonia solution| * Turn red litmus paper into blue. * Blue precipitate was formed. | Cu2+aq+2OH-aq? Cu(OH)2(S)| Cuprix nitrate and ammonia solution (excess)| * Turn red litmus paper into blue. * Clear blue solution is obtained with all precipitate dissolved in excess ammonia. | Cu(OH)2(S)+4HN3Cu(NH3)4(aq)2++2OH-aq| Lead nitrate and ammonia solution| * Turn red litmus paper into blue. * White precipitate was formed with clear solution| Pb2+aq+2OH-aq? Pb(OH)2(S)| Lead nitrate and ammonia solution (excess)| * Turn red litmus paper into blue. * Clear solution is obtained with all precipitate dissolved in excess ammonia. | Pb(OH)2(s) + 4NH3(aq) ? [Pb(NH3)4](aq) + 2OH-(aq)| DISCUSSION| Zinc nitrate, cuprix nitrate and lead nitrate produce white precipitate when reacted with 4 M ammonia and dissolve in excess ammonia solution because they were partially hydrolyzed in water. The solubility of all three precipitate was enhanced by excess ammonia ions although they were insoluble in water. Ammonia acts as ligands where OH group has been replaced with NH3 to form a complex ion. Table 2: Result of adding sodium hydroxide solution to form Ammonia Complex Reactants| Observation| Equation| Zinc nitrate and sodium hydroxide solution| * Turn red litmus paper into blue. * White precipitate was formed with cloudy solution. | Zn(NO3)2aq+2NaOHaqZn(OH)2(S)+2NaNO3aq| Zinc nitrate and sodium hydroxide solution (excess)| * Turn red litmus paper into blu e. * Clear solution is obtained with all precipitate dissolved in excess sodium hydroxide. | Zn(OH)2(aq)+2OH-aqZn(OH)4(aq)2-| Cuprix nitrate and sodium hydroxide solution| * Turn red litmus paper into blue. Blue precipitate was formed with cloudy solution. | CuNO32aq+2NaOHaqCu(OH)2(S)+2NaNO3aq| Cuprix nitrate and sodium hydroxide solution (excess)| * Turn red litmus paper into blue. * Precipitate did not dissolve in excess sodium hydroxide result in dark blue solution. | CuNO32aq+2NaOHaqCu(OH)2(S)+2NaNO3aq| Lead nitrate and sodium hydroxide solution| * Turn red litmus paper into blue. * White precipitate was formed with cloudy solution. | Pb(NO3)2aq+2NaOHaqPb(OH)2(S)+2NaNO3aq| Lead nitrate and sodium hydroxide solution (excess)| * Turn red litmus paper into blue. Clear solution is obtained with all precipitate dissolved in excess sodium hydroxide. | Pb(OH)2(aq)+2OH-aqPb(OH)4(aq)2-| DISCUSSION| The precipitate was formed when sodium hydroxide were reacted with all the three solution and were dissolved when the amount of sodium hydroxide was excess. This shows that the solubility was enhanced by an excess of sodium hydroxide ions as more sodium hydroxide ions can bind with each of the solutions. | * PART A: COMPLEX FORMATION (IODIDE COMPLEXES) Table 3: Results of adding Potassium Iodide (KI) to form Iodide Complex Reactants| Observation| Equation| Mercuric nitrate solution and saturated potassium iodide| * The solution turns to orange colour at the first drop. * The clear solution is obtained after 6 drops of saturated potassium iodide. | * First dropHg2+aq+2I-aq? HgI2(S) * After six dropsHgI2(s) + 2I-(aq) HgI42-(aq)| Lead nitrate solution and saturated potassium iodide| * The solution turns to bright yellow colour at the first drop. * The clear solution is obtained after 15 drops of saturated potassium iodide. * After 10 times of its volume of distilled water (80 ml) was added, the precipitate appeared again| * First dropPb2+aq+2I-aq? PbI2(S) * After fifteen dropsPbI2(S)+2I-aq? PbI42-(aq) * Adding waterPbI42-(aq) + H2O(l) ? PbI2(s) + 2I-(aq)| DISCUSSION| Mercuric nitrate solution shows lower stability constant as compared to lead nitrate solution because only six drops of saturated potassium iodide is needed to dissolve the precipitate formed (Lead nitrate need fifteen drops to dissolve the precipitate). Thus, lead nitrate have higher relative stability constant as compared to the mercuric nitrate solution. | * PART B: WEAK ACID AND BASES Table 4: Reaction, Ions and their Relationship in Weak Acid/Bases Reactants| Observation| Equation| Comment| Distilled water| * pH = 6 * Acidic solution * Main ions present:H+,OH- | * H2Ol ? H3O+aq +OH-aq| * Distilled water supposed to have neutral pH condition which is 7. * The different in the result might due to the presence of the other ions in the distilled water. | Sodium chloride| * pH = 5 * Acidic solution * Main ions present:Na+, Cl-,H+,OH-| * NaClaq ? Na+aq+ Cl-aq| * Sodium chloride supposed to have neutral pH condition because it is neutral salt. * The different in the result might due to the presence of contaminant in the solution used during experiment. Aluminium sulphate| * pH = 2 * Acidic solution * Main ions present:AlH2O62+,SO42-| * AlH2O62+(aq)+H2Oaq? AlH2O3OH(aq)+H+aq| * Due to the presence of H+ ion after dissociation, the solution is acidic and one of the strongest acid as the pH value is lower. | Ammonium chloride| * pH = 5 * Acidic solution * Main ions present:NH4+,Cl-| * NH4+(aq)+H2Ol? H3O+aq+NH3aq| * The pH value shows almost to neutral value as the present H3O+aq r esult to acid properties and NH3aq gave result to basic properties. Trisodium phosphate| * pH = 12 * Basic solution * Main ions present:Na+,PO43-| * HPO42-aq+H2Ol? H2PO4+aq+OH-aq| * Due to the presence of OH- ion after dissociation, the solution is basic and one of the strongest basic as the pH value is higher. | Sodium acetate| * pH = 9 * Basic solution * Main ions present:Na+,CH3COO-| * CH3COO-aq+H2Ol? CH3COOHaq+OH-aq| * Due to the presence of OH- ion after dissociation, the solution has basic properties solution. | * PART C: PRECIPITATION REACTIONS (PHOSPHATES) Table 5: Results of adding trisodium phosphate (Na3PO4) and HCl to different solution. Reactants| Observation| Equation| Potassium chloride and trisodium phosphate solution| * White precipitate were formed | Na3PO4(aq) ? 3Na+(aq) + PO43-(aq)3K+(aq) + PO43-(aq) ? K3PO4(aq)| Potassium chloride, trisodium phosphate and hydrochloric acid| * All precipitate was dissolved and solution is soluble in HCl. | K3PO4S+HCl(aq)? 3KCl(aq)+H3PO4aq| Manganous chloride and trisodium phosphate solution| * White precipitate was formed with cloudy solution. | Na3PO4(aq) ? 3Na+(aq) + PO43-(aq)3Mn2+aq+2PO43-aq? Mn3PO42S| Manganous chloride, trisodium phosphate and hydrochloric acid| * All precipitate was dissolved and solution is soluble in HCl. | Mn3PO42S+6HCl(aq)? 3MnCl2(aq)+2H3PO4aq| Magnesium chloride and trisodium phosphate solution| * White precipitate was formed with cloudy solution. | Na3PO4(aq) ? 3Na+(aq) + PO43-(aq)3Mg2+aq+2PO43-aq? Mg3PO42S| Magnesium chloride, trisodium phosphate and hydrochloric acid| * All precipitate was dissolved and solution is soluble in HCl. | Mg3PO42S+6HCl(aq)? 3MgCl2(aq)+2H3PO4aq| Calcium chloride and trisodium phosphate solution| * White precipitate was formed with cloudy solution. Na3PO4(aq) ? 3Na+(aq) + PO43-(aq)3Ca2+aq+2PO43-aq? Ca3PO42S| Calcium chloride, trisodium phosphate and hydrochloric acid| * All precipitate was dissolved and solution is soluble in HCl. | Ca3PO42S+6HCl(aq)? 3CaCl2(aq)+2H3PO4aq| Cupric sulphate and trisodium phosphate solution| * Blue precipitate was formed with cloudy solution. | 3Cu2+(aq) + 2PO43-(aq) ? Cu3(PO4)2(s)| Cupric sulfate, trisodium phosphate and hydrochloric acid| * All precipitate was dissolved and the solution become soluble (blue in colour)| Cu3(PO4)2(s) + 6HCl(aq) ? 3CuCl2(aq)+ 2 H3PO4(aq)| DISCUSSION| Potassium chloride, manganous chloride, magnesium chloride, calcium chloride and cupric sulphate formed precipitate when reacted with trisodium phosphate solution. All the precipitate then dissolve when hydrochloric acid was added into the mixture to produce metal phosphates and sodium chloride. | * PART C: PRECIPITATION REACTIONS (CHLORIDES) Table 6: Results of adding Concentrated HCl and H2O to saturated NaCl Solution Reactants| Observation| Equation| Potassium chloride and trisodium phosphate solution| * White precipitate were formed | Na+aq+ Cl-aq? NaClsHCl(aq) ? H+(aq) + Cl-(aq)| Potassium chloride, trisodium phosphate solution and water| * White precipitate formed was completely dissolved. | NaCl(s) + H2O(l) ? NaOH(aq) + HCl(aq)| DISCUSSION| The white precipitated was formed because the product, NaCl which is a neutral common salt was white in colour. When water was added, it elimininates the excess Cl- and H+ ions, favoured the backward reaction and thus NaCl is soluble in water. As a result white precipitate dissolved and colourless solution formed. | * PART C: PRECIPITATION REACTIONS (SILVER HALIDES) Table 7: Results of adding AgNO3 and NH3 solution to Sodium Halides Reactants| Observation| Equation| Comment| Sodium chloride and silver nitrate solution| White precipitate was formed with cloudy solution. | AgNO3(aq) ? Ag+(aq) + NO3-(aq) Ag++Cl-? AgCl (s)| The white precipitate is AgCl because it does not dissolve in water. | Sodium chloride, silver nitrate and ammonia solution| Precipitate dissolved completely to give a colourless solution| AgCl (s)+2NH3(aq)? AgNH32+ (aq)+Cl-(aq)| When AgCl was reacted with ammonia solution, AgNH32+was formed and it was soluble in water as the NH3 ions was able to bind with water molecules. Sodium bromide and silver nitrate solution| Creamy precipitate was formed with cloudy solution. | AgNO3(aq) ? Ag+(aq) + NO3-(aq) Ag++Br-? Br| AgNH32+is soluble in water as it can bind with water molecules. | Sodium bromide, silver nitrate and ammonia solution| Precipitate was almost unchanged because it did not dissolve completely (partially) in ammonia solutio n| AgBr (s)+2NH3(aq)? AgNH32+ (aq)+Br-(aq)| This precipitate partially dissolves in 4 M ammonia solution. | Sodium iodide and silver nitrate solution| Pale yellow precipitate was formed with cloudy solution. | AgNO3(aq) ? Ag+(aq) + NO3-(aq) Ag++IAgI (s)| The reaction of NaI with silver nitrate forming a precipitate of AgI| Sodium iodide, silver nitrate and ammonia solution| Precipitate did not dissolve in the mixture of ammonia solution| AgNO3(aq) ? Ag+(aq) + NO3-(aq) Ag++IAgI (s)| This compound was very insoluble in water, so it will not bind with water molecules, even if reacted with ammonia solution| Table 8: Results of adding AgNO3 and concentrated NH3 solution to Sodium Halides Reactants| Observation| Equation| Comment| Sodium chloride and silver nitrate solution| White precipitate was formed with cloudy solution. | AgNO3(aq) ? Ag+(aq) + NO3-(aq) Ag++Cl-? AgCl (s)| The white precipitate is AgCl because it does not dissolve in water. | Sodium chloride, silver nitrate and concentratedammonia solution| Precipitate dissolved completely to give a colourless solution| AgCl (s)+2NH3(aq)? AgNH32+ (aq)+Cl-(aq)| When AgCl was reacted with concentrated ammonia solution, AgNH32+was formed and it was soluble in water as the NH3 ions was able to bind with water molecules. | Sodium bromide and silver nitrate solution| Creamy precipitate was formed with cloudy solution. | AgNO3(aq) ? Ag+(aq) + NO3-(aq) Ag++Br-? Br| AgNH32+is soluble in water as it can bind with water molecules. Sodium bromide, silver nitrate and ammonia solution| Precipitate dissolved completely to give a colourless solution| AgBr (s)+2NH3(aq)? AgNH32+ (aq)+Br-(aq)| By adding concentrated ammonia solution, the precipitate (AgBr) dissolved completely. | Sodium iodide and silver nitrate solution| Pale yellow precipitate was formed with cloudy solution. | AgN O3(aq) ? Ag+(aq) + NO3-(aq) Ag++IAgI (s)| The reaction of NaI with silver nitrate forming a precipitate of AgI| Sodium iodide, silver nitrate and ammonia solution| Precipitate did not dissolve in the mixture of ammonia solution| AgNO3(aq) ? Ag+(aq) + NO3-(aq) Ag++IAgI (s)| Adding either diluted or concentrated NH3 solution, did not make the precipitate (AgI) became soluble because it will not dissolve. Thus, it can be said that solubility of silver halides decreases down the group. | QUESTIONS 1. The relative stability constants of iodide complex of Hg (II) is less than the iodide complex of Pb(II). This is because from the result obtained, only 6 drops of iodide were required to dissolve the precipitates formed by the mercuric nitrate, Hg (II) as compared to lead nitrate, Pb(II) that required 15 drops to dissolve the precipitate. Thus, iodide complex of Pb(II) is more stable than iodide complex of Hg(II) because more drops of iodide were required to dissolve lead nitrate, Pb(II) than mercuric nitrate, Hg(II). 2. Commonly, using a pH meter and an indicator paper during the experiment would result in different pH value obtained. This is because pH meter is more precise in giving pH values up to 2 decimal places while indicator paper only gives an approximation of pH based on colour with reference to chart. Thus, due to difficulty to differentiate the colours observed as referred to chart, indicator paper is not the best method to determine the accurate pH value of the mixture. 3. Equation of the reaction: NaCl Na+ + Cl- The precipitate formed was sodium salt crystal (NaCl). According to Le Chatelier’s principle, this change in reaction acts to counteract the increase of Cl- concentration (Silberberg, 2006). When concentrated HCl was added, concentration of chloride ion (Cl) increases. Thus, equilibrium will shift to the left. Therefore, reverse reaction was favoured result in more solid salt precipitate (NaCl) was formed. 4. In the case of silver halides, the chloride is the most soluble in ammonia and the iodide is the least while for the case of calcium halides the reverse trend is seen. This is due to the solubility of the group 2 sulphates which decreased down the trend. Thus, silver and metal halides were soluble in ammonia as they formed complex ions which were soluble. CONCLUSION In conclusion, the complex formation and precipitation reactions were able to establish thus met the aims of this experiment. Thus, it can be concluded that ammonia and hydroxide ion can act as a Lewis base since a complex ion was formed when a metal cation is covalently bonded to ligands. Other than that, weak acid and base will dissociates partially in water while strong acid and base dissociate completely in water. Finally, the formation of the precipitate (product) can be controlled by controlling the pH of the reaction. REFERENCES Heitz. , M(2005) General Chemistry: An Integrated Approach, Chapter 16: More Equilibria in Aqueous Solutions: Slightly Soluble Salts and Complex Ions, 4th Edition, Prentice Hall, Inc. , State University of New York. pp. 715-718 Housecroft, C. E. amp; Constable, E. C. (2006), Introduction to spectroscopy, in Chemistry, 3rd Edition, Pearson Education, England. pp. 951-970 Silberberg, M. S. (2006), Chemistry: The Molecular Nature of Matter and Change, 4th Edition, Mc Graw Hill International Edition, New York, pp. 1013-1019.

Tuesday, May 5, 2020

Marketing Strategy For MacBook Pro - Click to Get Free Sample

Question: Due to increase in competition, many companies strive hard to provide the best possible services to the clients. This includes providing additional services which will benefit the users. Apart from this, the strategies adopted by the company for marketing has to be planned and implemented for increasing the sales for the new products that is manufactured. Answer: Introduction Marketing policies has to be adopted and implemented in an effective manner. This will help in promoting the existing and new products that has been manufactured by the company. In this case, the strategies prepared have to cater the needs for the company. This report has been prepared to analyse the relevance of the marketing mix and the policies that can be followed for increasing the product awareness and sales for the product that is manufactured by the company. The relevance of pricing and product level has been discussed in this report. 4. Marketing mix for MacBook pro 4.1. Product 1. Product level Through the product line, the management of the company analyse the below mentioned factors - 1. Core - the latest version of MacBook pro has uni-body construction, which has been updated for the 17 inches products that has been manufactured by the company. At the time of marketing, the promotional team ensure to include these features. 2. Actual - The quality of the product is focused upon while promoting for the MacBook pro. This has been done with an intention of increasing the sales for the products and attracting the attention of the buyers. 3. Augmented - The new product comes with additional features like extra memory and big screen. Such benefits have been discussed so as to ensure that the customers get the best services (Johnson and Schultz, 2004). 2. Product life cycle The success of the product depends upon the product life cycle that has been adopted by the company. Through this method, the company adopts and implement an effective method that would increase the sales. The phases that are included in the process are 1. Introduction - Apple is a leading company that manufacture innovative products that will cater the needs of the clients. The MacBook pro has been introduced for the clients and the product has lots of features that will take care of the customers needs. At the time of introduction of the products, the company ensure that the right steps for promoting the products are adopted. 2. Growth In this phase, the steps include policies through which the sales can be increased. The management ensure that the product features are discussed with the clients, as this will promote the sales (Kitchen, Bringell, and Jones, 2004). 3. Maturity In this phase, the growth of the product and the sales is analysed. This is done to find the effectiveness of the product that is manufactured by the company. Through this phase, the company analyse the challenges that can impact the sales. 4. Decline - this phase explains the decline of the demand of the products amongst the buyers. Such a thing basically incurs due to change in the demand of the customers related to the products. 4.2. Pricing 1. Objective of pricing Pricing strategy is quite one of the important factors that is considered by the company. The strategy selected by the company has to be effective as the customers could be attracted towards the products that are being sold by the management. With the help of the pricing method, the company can decide the price for the products. This is one of the most important factors as this will help in approaching maximum number of clients. The company has adopted skimming pricing method for determining the price of the products that is sold by the management. In this case, the relevance of the pricing for the product life cycle method has to be adopted by the company (Kim et al., 2004). New pricing strategy The pricing strategy for the product and services that is been rendered to the clients. It is quite important for the company to select the right method, through which the right quote for the price can be implemented. The pricing strategy is implemented with an intention of offering the products that will take care of the needs of the clients. This will also help in tackling the challenges that would help in overpowering the existing competition (Kotler and Keller 2009). Pricing tactics Price skimming is considered to be one of the most effective methods that help the company to set out the right price that will help in increasing the sales for the product. Through this method, it is possible for the company to recover the costs that is involved in the production MacBook for the clients. This is also considered to be effective methods for coping with the challenges that are associated with the lack of information related to financial resources. Through this method, it is possible for the company to decide upon the volume that needs to be sold to the clients. Also, the promotional activities can be conducted without increasing the operational expenses for the company (Kotler, 2003). Perceptual map Placement Marketing channels The method adopted for marketing of the product is quite important. In this method, the company analyse the future goals and draft the best possible policies that would help in increasing the sales. Some of the channels are 1. Direct selling - In this method, the sales for the products are done directly. The company approach the customer and sell the product to the clients. 2. Indirect method - Here, the company adopts indirect method that includes dealers and retail shops. Through such methods, the company attempt to increase the sales and ensure that the right is adopted for the same. 3. Reverse channels In this process, the sales is done from the clients to the intermediaries and then it is transferred to the beneficiary. 4. Dual distribution - Here, the company makes arrangement to sell the products to different clients by adopting the best sales process (McGrath, 2005). Distribution of products Direct sales and indirect sales process is considered to the best method for increasing the sales for the company. Through direct sales, the company attempts to approach maximum number of clients and explain the benefits of the product that is offered for sales. Apart from this, the strategies could be adopted that will help in attracting the clients. Through indirect method, the management proposes to approach dealers and retailers who would carry out the promotion activities for the company. Such a task is quite challenging and thus, the management of the company ensures to implement the right strategies. Alternative method for distribution The marketing and promotional activities are considered to be quite important. For increasing the sales, the management proposes to create brand awareness through the online and mobile promotional activities. Such process will attract more clients towards the company. sales method percentage direct sales 38 indirect sales 32 mobile applications 25 dual distribution 3 reverse channels 2 4.4.Promotion Describe the promotional mix elements Promotional mix is quite an important factor, through which the sales and brand awareness can be created amongst the customers. This also helps the management of the company to cope with the challenges that exists due to increase in the level of competition. In order to choose the right type of promotional mix, it is essential to analyse the future objectives of the company. This will help the company in approaching maximum number of clients from different markets. Some of the promotional mix elements that are considered to be essential in this process are Advertising Personal selling Direct marketing Point of sale displays Merchandising Tool that has been used The company depends a lot on the dealers and the internet technology for increasing the sales for the products. This is quite effective, as majority of the buyers from different markets prefer to buy the products and services through online method. Apart from this, it is also possible to gather the required information about the products through this method. Through online method, the campaigns can be conducted through which the sales would increase. Besides this, such method will enable the company to reach out to the clients quite easily. Mobile application is another important aspect through which the company can communicate with the potential customers. Features Advantages Cost effective method Quite reliable for communicating with the customers (Kotler, 2003). Can interact with the clients and analyse the expectations of the buyers Disadvantages The results cannot be measured Quick services are a must or else the company wouldnt be able to yield the expected results. If the website is not interactive then it will create serious problem for the clients. 5.0 Innovative suggestions Marketing strategy has to be selected in the right manner, as this will help in increasing the sales for the company. In this process, the challenges have to be analysed, as this would contribute towards the product promotion and brand awareness. Some of the aspects that has to be analysed in the process are 1. Product The details about the products has to be provided to the clients or the potential buyers. This will help in creating brand awareness, which is necessary for increasing the sales for the management. At the time of creating the brand awareness, it is essential to discuss about the details of the products and the features that will be useful for the clients. Through this method, it is possible to develop and implement an effective strategy through which the changes in terms of challenges related to the competition can be easily overpowered. This is one of the most important factors, as the company would be able to convince the potential byers about the features of the products. The details of the products have to be clearly mentioned to the clients, as this will encourage the clients to invest in the purchases of the goods and services that are sold by the company. 2. Pricing - the selection of the pricing method has to be done after considering the challenges that can affect the expectations of the clients. In this process, the company has to analyse the expectations and preferences of the buyers. This will help in drafting policies through which the sales can be increased. Apart from this, the prices quoted for the products have to be reasonable as this will help in attracting the clients from different parts of the world. Apple sells reputed products to the customers, at a higher price. In this process, the prices and quality of products offered by the rival company has to be also analysed. This will help in increasing the sales and convincing the customers to buying of the products. Skimming is one of the best methods through which the company determines the price of the products (Peltier et al., 2003). 3. Placement - In order to place the goods and services sold by the company in the market, it is essential to adopt the best marketing strategies. In this process, the objective of the company to place the goods in the national and international market has to be analysed. This will help in developing and implementing the changes that are considered to be necessary for increasing the sales. For placement of the goods and products, the company can also use the online method. This will help the management to reach out to maximum number of clients, and ensure that the best possible services are provided to the clients. 4. Promotion The Company can introduce effective online marketing strategies through which maximum number of clients can be reached out at the short span of time. For this, the company can also introduce mobile application method for promoting the goods and services that are manufactured by the company. In the promotional activities, the features of the products and services that are sold by the company have to be highlighted in the best possible manner. This will help in attracting maximum number of clients. 6.0 Conclusion The company aims to target new and existing market. By doing so, the management intends to increase the sales and render the best possible services to the clients. This is quite important for increasing the brand image for the company. For the product strategy, it is essential to highlight the features of the products that are sold by the company. This can be done through effective promotional activities. At the time of marketing, the company can highlight the features of the products, through which the customers can analyse the requirements and choose the best product that will cater their needs. Pricing is one of the important factors and needs to be done in the right manner. For implementing the right price for the products, the company has to analyse the challenges and the present market condition. This will help in increasing the sales and approaching maximum number of clients from different markets. Promotional activities have to be done on a timely manner, and the right strate gies have to be selected for the same. In this case, the steps that has to be followed for conducting the promotional activities has to be planned and communicated with the clients. Recommendations The strategy for product strategy has to be improved and the right steps for the same have to be implemented by the company. This will help in adopting the best strategies that will help the company. Innovative promotional activities include introducing the changes that will attract the clients at the short span of time. Pricing strategy will help the management in adopting the right price that will be useful for the company. Introducing changes in such methods will help the management in adopting the right strategies through which the sales can be increased. References Johnson C and Schultz D, 2004. A Focus on Customers, Marketing Management, Vol. 13 No. 5, PP.21-26 Kitchen J, Bringell J, and Jones S, 2004. The Emergence of Integrated Marketing Communication: A theoretical Perspective. Journal of Advertising Research, Vol. 44, No. 1, pp. 20-30. Kim I, Han D, Schultz E, 2004. Understanding the Diffusion of Integrated Marketing Communication. 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